Description of activities
Theoretical aspects
- The objective of this activity is for the students to know theoretically the legal
and ethical aspects of piloting a drone. - Students will take a theoretical exam to assess their legal and ethical knowledge about drones. There will be a pre-test and another after imparting legal and ethical knowledge about drone flight.
- This project has been made for computer science students of different nevels of professional vocation.
Usage protocol
- The ICAROS team will create a drone usage protocol.
Develop the practical skills
- Students will also learn to pilot a drone in this activity.
Drone of practices
A low cost drone will be used to carry out the practices. As the ICAROS I drone is an expensive drone, only those students who demonstrate a minimum skill with the practices dron will be able to fly the ICAROS I drone. The drone when flying will be attached to the pilot by a nylon string.
Image1.Drone of practices (yizhan X6) and the nylon strings
Flight in safe area
The drone will be attached to the pilot by a nylon string that supports more than 20 kilos of tension. That rope will create a safety zone outside its range. It is forbidden for the students pass through the area while the drone is flying. The flight area must be clear. There should be no trees, other objects or people in that area.
Awareness activity
Students will read some web pages that warn of the dangers and problems involved in piloting a drone.
Pilot tranining protocol
- Check before fliying the drone:
- Check is the flying zone is clear.
- The remote control is switched off.
- The drone is properly tied with the nylon string.
- Fix the end of the nylon string by stepping on the reel.
- Switch on the remote control.
- Synchronize the drone with the remote control.
- After fly the drone:
- Switch the remote control off.
- Leave the remote control ont the floor.
- Put the dron in the takeoff zone.
Learning outcomes
- Know the ethical aspects of flying a drone.
- Know the legal aspects of flying a drone.
- Develop the skills needed to pilot a drone.
- Know he difficulties and risks of flying a drone.
- Increase the motivation of the students.
- Know and implement security protocols.
- Let to know to the scholarship community of the risks of flying a drone.