Quiz about Sweden

Coordinator name and email: Juan Carlos Moreno Pérez (jmorper037@maralboran.es)

Name of the teachers: Juan Carlos Moreno Pérez.

Start/end date/strong>: 10/MAR/2017.

Number and age of students: 2º DAW Class (student ages over 20).

Description of activities

As we are within an international project, one of the objectives is that all members know the culture of other countries.
Knowing other European countries fosters the spirit of the European Union and makes us value to be a member of the European Union.
For this reason we have designed a quiz about Sweden in this case to work not only these objectives but the curriculum of the DWEC subject.

Learning outcomes

Students will not only learn about history, geography, etc. about Sweden but will also learn new curriculum technologies such as:

  • AngularJS
  • BootStrap
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • CSS

Photos or other relevant material

View of the main page of the quiz:

Fancy to do the quiz?

Here you have the link:
Quiz of Sweden