Creating a new landing gear for a drone

The objective of this activity is to improve the landing gear of our drones of practice.
One activity is to investigate and print a 3D model of landing gear in our 3D printer. The team in charge of print the objects will have to prove their results with a real drone and do the proper modifications to the prototype. One outcome of this activity is to prove the resistance of different 3D filament strings in the real life with real objects. Another activity is to find and use an alternate material of the real life and see if exists a thermoplastic material similar to that.

Learning outcomes

  • Know and evaluate the characteristics of thermoplastic materials.
  • Create/use 3D models in STL format and convert them into commands for a 3D printer in gcode format.
  • Real life problem solving.
  • Know how a 3D printer works.

Photos or other relevant material

This is our first model printed with ABS in a 3D printer prusa i3.

As anybody can see, the landing gear is too big and no flexible.
We had many problems with it because it was broken many times.

The student team did some modifications to the prototype in order to improve the prototype.
We found out that the ABS is not the best material for printing a landing gear, we need a material more flexible.
We also tried to use filaflex but it is a too flexible material.
The team had to find out a solution of this problem with real life objects and we used another plastic objects.